Requirements for the granting of support
Research projects take into account the expertise of the applicant and the suitability of the methodological approach to ensure scientific quality. They are reviewed by the Foundation's Scientific Advisory Board and must meet established scientific and ethical criteria. The projects must be led by persons trained in nursing science who reside in Switzerland.
What kind of projects and which fields of interest are supported
- Projects in nursing research and nursing science
- Projects of research application / scientifically accompanied practice development / post-tertiary education in nursing care
- Projects promoting scientific education in nursing
- Events or publications that help above mentioned purposes
- The establishment of assisstant professors (Foerderprofessuren) at universities or at professional colleges / universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen)
- Promotion of scholars in nursing science
- Honoring persons and institutions whose contributions for nursing science and development were outstanding
Submission deadlines
Applications can be submitted at any time; the Foundation Board meets 4 times a year.